Saturday, January 4, 2014

December 1, 2013

Jouh Sahn Mahmaa tuhng bahba!
leaihdeah ge hou ma? ngoh hou hoisam ligo sihgaan hai yatgo jitge sihgaan!
Hello! How are you all? A lot of stuff happened this week haha. but first the questions. We can pretty much buy everything here at the store. it is just pretty expensive in missionary money haha. Recipies. Maybe some like rice cooker recipies. they should haave those online right? we just cant look them up. any recipies would be great! oh and pumpkin bread please! we want to try to make one. but we have no ovens so it is a little hard in a toaster. but mouh mahntaih. we will figure it out :)
THANKSGIVING was so great. Our zone went to wan chai (the beautiful chapel), and we had a dinner :) all the missionaries triedd to make something. sister johnson and i were in charge of the fruit salad. Let me just tell you that missionaries need a lot of help when trying to make food. We forgot to wash the cutting board so all f our apples and bananas tasted like garlic and onions. Then the marshmallo and sweet potatoes burnt. then the elders got carried away with the salt and i think 50% of the mashed potatoes were salt. Other elders forgot to cook the corn on the cob and broccoli, and the green bean casorole was....well it was what it was. But let me just tell you that it was the best tasting thanksgiving dinner i have ever tasted! All the missionaries tried so hard and it was great. Then President and Sister Hawks came and talked to us and ate our fruit salad. I just love them so much! Thanksgiving was just so great.
ok about christmas. No one has told us anything about it. We dont know what time we can call and i dont think we can skype. President Hawks is pretty strict on the rules. So i dont think we will skype. But maybe. They said last year he let them "make the choice".  So maybe he will let us skype. Sorry i cant give you more info. I can ask this week because we have zone meeting then tell you next p day!. WOOHOO CHIRSTMAS!
So i was just thinking about that old red sweater of dads that says phillidelphia and i think that is what i want for christmas! :) IT IS SO COLD HERE! and i have no coat and just knee length skirts haha so we are going shopping today. Is that ok? i took some money out and we are just going to buy a couple of warmer clothes. yeah i didnt think that it would get cold here but surprise!
I have gotten some decorations for the cactus and i love them so much!!! did you make them? :) i love love reading the notes from everyone! and dustin is planning on going on a mission too! how cool is that?! i love our family. The cactus tree is looking great and sister johnson loves it :) i hope i can send pictures of it  to you :)
so this week we called a former investigator and she rescheduled us!!! that is a mircale! So we went to stanly island. I dont know if you have heard of it but it is like the place where people get of the cruise if you know what i mean. Well we got there and there was a MEXICAN CONCERT! I have never been tempted on my mission to listen to music because i dont understand it and chinese music is just not my thing, but they started singing balalarabumba! (sorry i dont know what it is haha) and it was so loud and they had steel drums and everything! and we were just trying so hard to teach a lesson like right in the middle of this cruise ship concert..... it was very interesting. Then last night we were studying and we were just in our little office room and we heard this chinese flute and stringed instrument just playing some super cool traditional chinese music. It was just one of those moments that you realize how amazing life is. I love being a missionary. It is seriously the best thing ever. SOmetimes it is super stressful, sometimes you are dissapointed, but i never seem to remember the rough times, the happy ones are the only ones that are sticking! Missionary work is the greatest work!
Oh and madison walker sent me an email about sending my testimony of christ to you for the christmas party. Let me try to send that!
I know that christ lives. I know it. There is no doubt in my mind. I am just a few pages away from finishing the book of mormon and i read it with one question in my mind. "what is the character of chirst"? What has stuck out to me the most is the parable of the "one". Christ shows us in the scriptures so many times his love for the "one". He speaks to the children "one by one". He heals the sick and the lame "one by one". He atoned for each "one" of us. our relationsship with our savior is so personal and so special. I know that i am the "one". I know that He knows me. He loves me, and He died for me. I have come to realize now more than ever His love in my life. I know that His love heals all. I have had to rely on Him and trust fully. And that is the way to happiness. I know that He is Always there and he always cares. He understands us and we are all just so precious in His eyes. He is my Savios. He is my Lord. He is my Redeemer. He is my brother. He is my example. He is my best fried. And just like He has done ffor me, I will stand by Him forever. I love my savior.
I love this gospel and my family and my savior. There is not greater thing we have in this life. I hope you have a fantastic holiday season! I love you all!!!!

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