Saturday, January 4, 2014

December 8, 2013

this is stanly and then my favorite little chinese/harry potter boy in my ward :)

Well i would absolutly love those pictures that you sent last email but they are just to big to look at. is there any other way to send them?
so about christmas! We have been told that we cannot skype. just a phone call. But to make it free for us you can call our hong kong phone from skype. andy will know how to do it. our number is 60993094. I dont know the hong kong like country number or anything but that way could work or i can just call you using a calling card. i want to see hudson so bad but id rather keep president hawks rules. but we can call the day after christmas here so christmas day for you. sorry. we can call whenever so scheduel rachie first! :)
So the thing i am grateful for this week is the ornament from UNCLE ERIC! hahahahah it is so funny. just his little face under one of those hats. it pretty much made my mission right there. He is so funny! i am also glad that dad put up new lights. you go dad!
So this week we had such a miracle! We met Angela on  the street and she was just super awesome. She gave us her number and then we reschelueled her for last friday. We saw her and she is the most prepared person i know! She understood and accepted all of the first lesson and then at the end of the lesson we invited her to pray and after she said an amazing prayer, she looked at us and asked why she felt burning in her heart. I didnt know that that stuff really happened.. I mean when i feel the spirit i guess i just take it for granted. She was just so excited and wanted to know why she was feeling warm inside. she said she had never felt it before. Little things like that happen and just make my testimony so much stronger. Angela is a miracle! Then she told us she would be baptized. WOOHOO! now just to teach the lessons haha.
We also have been teaching a members mom who has investigated the church for about 30 years. She just doesnt want to be baptized. so that is our obstical. so we started talking to her about faith and then she looked at my face ( and hong kong weather is not the best for your skin ok?) she looks at my face and just straight up tells me "hey you need to eat more vegetables and drink more water. then you can have a prettier face". haha i mean it kinds hurt becasue she said that but then it just made me love the different culture so much more. I mean the Chinese people are very very honest. They tell people that they are ugly and fat all the time haha but no one gets offended. it is just how it is. So my advice to anyone who thinks they are ugly out there. Eat more vegetables and drink more water. then you will have pretty face. :)
Our other investigator we have been meeting with is ngh siuje. she is so great but is just one that needs a little more help than others. She has been having bad dreams because she reads the book of mormon. well that is what she says. so she has stopped reading the book of mormon. We are really trying to find out how to help her. It is so amazing to me all the differences each investigator has. It really helps me to look at my own problems too and really think about how i can fix them myself. I love being a missionary and being able to recieve revelation on how to help individuals! :)
So we went to visit another investigator and she lives in STANLY! love that place. and she brings out this bowl of oranges. she offered them to us and of course we were like "YES" (not chicken feet or some kind of stonmach) then we go to peel it and she looks at us like we are crazy. Then she just started biting into the peel and eating it like an apple. they wouldnt let us peel it so we choked down a full on orange with the peel and all. that taste was in my mouth for 2 days!
The elders also have an investigator with the name McCool. and someone named Salad.
So now i have an "Eagar story"! so i was in the mission office and i was looking for another letter full of ornaments! I mean i love those little things! What a great idea mom!!! :) so i was looking and i couldnt find one for me anywhere and i was just a little sad and then i thought i saw one for me but then  i read chelsea. So i just shouted "aw who  the heck is chelsea?!" but i accidentally missed the ck and went straight into chelsea and just shouted "who the He**!?" let me tell you that i dont know who heard me but president hawks was there and the other missionaries. I was so embarrassed haha i just didnt know what to do. So now i am known as the cusssin missionary. I didnt even mean to. and i never cuss! Well thats what i get for living in eagar.
Oh and something cool! Our mission office just texted all the missionaries and said that there was a shortage of book of mormons at the mission office! I mean not like it is good but we are just giving them out like crazy! So just think about all the peopl with a book of mormon! i love the thought.
Well i cant wait to hear about what happens next week but i love you all and hope that you have a fantastic week! tell everyone hello and that i love them and i will see them december 2015!
:) <3 sister Hambreemn

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