Monday, July 29, 2013
I am totally ok with you asking a lot of questions :)
Ok now for the answers!
I DO HAVE MY FLIGHT PLANS!!! WOOOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!! I will send them in a picture to you :) I sure hope that you get it because I never know if these computers send a blasted thing! Ok hmmmmmm I can probably call you around 8;00 on Monday morning! You can look at the flight plans too to see what would work. I don't really know because I don't know how long it will take my district to get through security and out of country luggage stuff. JUST BE HOME ALL MORNING!!!! :) WOOOO HOOOOOO ILL BE IN CHINA THIS TIME NEXT WEEK!!!!! or on my way at least! And ok, calling card, I hear that collect is super expensive. So I will try to get another phone card so I can call ya :) think of questions to ask me on the phone!
haha and yes I have a visa! as far as I know. We are all set to leave on Monday morning! I hope you can see the flight plan picture.
sister May is already gone. so I don't get to see them anymore!
OH and there is a sister in my district and her parents are both from SNOWFLAKE ARIZONA!
and my zone leader is from Thatcher. Wow. Everyone knows about Eagar Arizona! I LOVE IT!
So I hear it has been raining a lot! how cool! I love to hear that :) I am so excited and would love to see a picture of the green Round Valley! AND I WANT TO SEE A PICTURE OF MY SISTER WITH A BABY IN HER STOMACH! just saying :) and I have had a few people email me and tell me how wonderful Rachel's talk was! So RACHEL SEND ME A COPY:)
I AM SO EXCITED FOR RACHEL TO GO ON HER MISSION! IT IS GOING TO BE SO COOL! although I was hoping that she would have to come here :( its ok though. ANd I hear that a lot of missionaries have to do that weird visa thing. Like for the phillinesesese (however you spell that) they have to come to Hong Kong every 3 months so they can do that same visa thingy. That will be so much fun. I am so excited for her.
Language.....oh the language. It is.....coming haha. Wow it is sure a hard one! but I bet I can get around haha. I am going to be in for a big surprise when I get on that airiplane and they start speaking in a language that I did not learn at the MTC! It is definitely time to leave. I feel like the only way I can learn more is to actually experience it! I want to experience the bamboo mats as beds and eating with chopsticks and eating fish brains! yes I'm even excited for that!
oh and I just need the regular colored pencils. Just to color with. and as with the hair stuff...i just need some oil or something! Anything that will help it hold a curl and keep frizz down. It doesn't have to be that exact stuff. I just need something that will help me haha. My hair is already crazy here. I don't know how crazy it will be in the old hk. oh and about my skirt. I think I'll be able to fix it! no worries! I can't wait for the package!!! I LOVE PACKAGE :) and hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
ok story time
So I was just teaching a lesson with my companion this week. Our investigator asked us to tell him a little bit about President Monson! So we said that he was sweet and a great story teller and ladie dadie dadie. Then we decided to tell him that he was a little older. When we said the word "old" our investigator got so red and just started to like cry.....and then laugh....and then didn't stop for well over 5 minutes. He told us that we should never ever say that word! He later explained that if we use that word for old as an adjective for a person...then it meant equivalent to the "F" word in English. I was so embarrassed!!!!! Oh my goodness I felt so bad!
So I learned that Cantonese gets harder and harder everyday! haha I just need to watch what I say. It turns out that that word has 47 different meanings depending on how you use it. So I learned a lesson there.
So today we got to clean the temple. It has been closed down for 6 weeks now. It was just my district. A lady took the sisters to the celestial room and we got to clean the chandeleire....don't know how to spell that. We took it apart and cleaned pieces and then put them on. It had taken the ladies over a week to do most of it. We were just there for the finishing touches and putting it back together. It was amazing. I felt such happiness cleaning the Lord's house. The temple is the most amazing place on Earth. I just want to have every single person to have the opportunity to enter the temple and make covenants. It is the greatest thing we will do! A lady then took us to the bride's room. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL! everything was coated in gold. I am so excited to go to the temple ( at the right time. not soon of course) and realize that I will be with my husband forever! Wow it is just so amazing. I hope that we can all realize the amazing blessing we have. Please go to the temple as much as you can! I won't be able to go much in Hong Kong so do it for me! :) The temple is really the House of the Lord.
I am loving being a missionary and I can only imagine it getting better and better every day! Everyday i learn more and more about the gospel. Study the scriptures and PRAY ALWAYS! prayer is so powerful. I have received so many answers and promptings in these short 9 weeks of being a missionary. I have felt the presence of the spirit with me daily. It is the best feeling in the world! I invite you all to do whatever it takes to have the spirit with you always. We have so much in this life that can distract us from our real purpose! Take a little extra time in your day and thank God for everything!
I love you all!!!!!
cant wait to talk on Monday!!!!
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Sunday, July 21, 2013
On Mon, Jul 15, 2013
I'm so glad that you got the letter from last week...that is sad that it didn't send because now you have 2 long emails to read today! haha but THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE PACKAGE!!!!!!! Everyone loved it. But there were no brownies......odd. haha that's ok. I eat enough anyway!
I AM SO READY TO GO TO CHINA! I cant wait to meet my mission president and just get out there and teach REAL people. Actually that part is just plain scary. I don't know how to talk to them and I have to speak in Cantonese. They don't understand English very well like I thought they would. But i am trying!
I am getting nervous about the 8 new wards thing! But we can do it! I know we can. I have the best district. they are ALL better teachers than I am. I need to step it up haha. But they all studied Chinese before they came. I am definitely the odd man out. I just hope and pray that the gift of tongues is not what I am experiencing now haha. I tried to tell someone that they looked nice today and it came out ""you look tasty". My teacher definitely let me know about that one. You know what they say, everyone who learns a new language will make mistakes,,.I am definitely making mistakes!!!!! But it is fun and it is worth it!
Anyway I love to hear from you and hear about the rain! and dads calling and Rachel and Jess and Andy and JAXON!!! :) keep it coming! so hmmmm what happened this week... well I have 6 investigators now when normal missionaries have 2. We are so stressed out because we don't know the language and we have at least 2 lessons a day. It is terrifying but somehow we seem to get everything done everyday! It is a miracle from Heavenly Father. I can now bear my testimony better and say a prayer and give the first 2 lessons without notes. I am not supposed to use notes anymore either. Our teacher told us that and we are all a little scared but we will be ok!
hahah I would love to hear about Rachel's babysitting story!!! Tell her to dear elder me or something!!!! and I wrote you a letter just in case this doesn't send so that will tell you about the temple.....I don't really know what to say in this letter. Maybe ask me some more questions haha. the MTC is the same......the teachers are the district is the same.....and my companion is the same. Sorry I don't have that much information!
I LOVE YOU ALL! I hope that you are all doing well. Remember that I love you and I am away on the Lord''s work. It is I got the rest of my CHINESE NAME! buuut I can't read it haha so I dont know what it means. someone tried to help me and we think it means like ""Rare/Valuable _______(something something) rushing rivers"" haha So all the love from the rare valuable something something rushing river sister who loves you all very much!!!!
love you
love! xoxoxoxoxoxo
Date: Mon, 8 Jul 2013
MUMSIE!!!!!! So, first of all, I love to get your dear elder leters! Keep them coming! :):) And would you tell your daughter Jessica to write me or something? I want to know about Jaxon! And about the blog! Just please correct any mispelling mistakes and you can share whatever you want on it! But make sure that it is uplifting. I noticed that my first letter was all about homesickness and no one wants to hear about that. So just whatever you think would be good! And you can share the pictures :) NOW for question answering :) I hope mum mum likes my letters :) (vilma) I hope you are sending these to Aunt Nancy and Kara too! I would love to know how they are doing! Do Kara and Kale still want to serve missions? 3. The time is weird here. I have been here for a month but it feels like a year and then like 2 days. Maybe a year because we do the same thing every day and maybe 2 days because thats how much chinese i know! haha 4. My mouth is doing great! until I yawn or somthing. then it hurts! but dont worry :) it is not keeping me from eating thats for sure! haha I figure that I won't have food I like in Hong Kong so I can eat whatever I want here :) even though I don't like the food. I do eat the food you sent me though! THE COOKIES ARE YUMMMY! of course they are. 5. The 4th was a great day! We watched 17 miracles. Mom please watch it, so sad but so good! The faith of the pioneers was amazing! I hope to have that much faith my whole life! We also got to watch the fireworks (yingfaah) through a fence...through a tree.....through another tree.....but the sound was fantastic! my 2 favorite sounds in the world are fireworks and thunder. Anyway it was really fun :) then they gave us ice cream. I love this country and the independence and freedom we have! A sister in my room got a letter from her dad and he said, " I love the 4th of July and all the freedoms we celebrate, but don't you think it is amazing that we get to celebrate our freedom every Sunday when we take the sacrament?" I thought that was just so good! Every week we get to be free from our sins! Every day we can be! That is definitely something to celebrate. 6. RACHEL GET CROCS!!!!!!! get crocs get crocs. do it get crocs. And really. the clothes you wear dont matter. Well just get clothes that will last you. My clothes are great! other than I already broke a zipper. Make sure that doesnt happen. You really won't know until you get there. I dont know how to help there. sorry! 7. My companion is doing great and My other sister training leader is leaving me next week. So I get to start all over with another sister and then probably another one. I am at the MTC for like a decade according to "MTC time" haha but hey it is a great place. ICHIRO is there? awe man! I always seem to miss him! I haven't heard from my foreigns yet so please tell them to write me! I am good friends with the Dutch district and I am giving them her as a referral so uhhhh she better be ready!!!!!! hehehehehe :) They are coming for her! and I'll find some German ones too (this can go on the blog. they should be prepared) haha. yeah yeah Brandon told me about his visa! That is so cool that he is with elder Edwards!!!!!!! wow. What an awesome experience! I think they were friends. they were in sports together. and they are both great elders so I am so excited for them!!!! And again, JESSICA DAWN! WRITE ME A LETTER! Jaxon needs to know about me and I need to know about him. And still want one of those creepy ultrasound picture things. My journal is longing for it. OK so cool experience! My district went on a temple walk yesterday and gues what? We ran in to some Cantonese speakers! One was from HONG KONG!!! yeah so cool! So I decided to be smart and talk to him in Cantonese. I mean I have been here for a month. of course I would be able to understand him. ....not so..... I tried to say hello and they looked at me like "what the heck is that little white girl trying to say". Yeah. Then I was like....ok well I can share my testimony then right? But before I could, the elders from my district came over and started talking! One tried to say that he liked Cantonese and it came out "I want to kill you". But of course we didn't know that until one of the cute chinese girls almost started to cry! She just turned to me and said "he scares me". then she told us what he said. It was so funny but NOT at the same time. It was so hard to understand them and alllllll of our tones were wrong. haha That humbled me for sure! Then the elder told us that these girls were all investigating the church. They came from mainland China to hear about the church. One of them even had a baptismal date!!!! We were so excited! Then one of my fellow sisters and I bore our testimonies of the book of mormon to her. I don't know if she understood but it was our FIRST real missionary experience! It was so amazing. The spirit was so strong. Even though they couldn't understand us, she knew what we were saying. It was so amazing. The picture here is with her and the others :) wow I just love the Chinese people! The Hong Kong boy that was there told me what ward his parents were in and told us to say hello to them! So I am pumped for that! Then he said "I dont want to scare you missionaries but guess what you get to do?" " My parents said that the mission president wants 8 new wards in the next 18 months!" THOSE 18 MONTHS ARE MY MONTHS! I will be a part of this amazing work in Hong KONg and I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!! They also said that it's ok if our Cantonese is not too good. We can always speak Mandarin to the people! haahah OK, so another surprise! We will also be learning some Mandarin on our mission! Wow I need the Lord so bad! But I know I can do it!!!!! I will do what the Lord wants me to do. He will make it all possible! Anyway, I love you all and hope you are having a fantastic day! Ngoh Jidouh ligo gaawui haid jansatge. gnoh jidouh yurksat simaaht haid singi jansatge. ngoh jidouh thomas s monson haigh jansatge sinji. ngoh jidouh taugwa moyimoungihn ngohdeig hoyih jipsauh kaisih! (I know that this church is the true church. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and that Thomas S Monson is our prophet today. I know through the book of mormon we can recieve our own revelation) ps. watch the Joseph Smith movie and also read 2nd Nephi ch 4!!!!! LOVE YOU! LOVE THIS GOSPEL! LOVE MISSIONARY WORK! ONLY ONE MONTH AND I WILL BE IN CHINA!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOO
MUMSIE!!!!!! So, first of all, I love to get your dear elder leters! Keep them coming! :):) And would you tell your daughter Jessica to write me or something? I want to know about Jaxon! And about the blog! Just please correct any mispelling mistakes and you can share whatever you want on it! But make sure that it is uplifting. I noticed that my first letter was all about homesickness and no one wants to hear about that. So just whatever you think would be good! And you can share the pictures :) NOW for question answering :) I hope mum mum likes my letters :) (vilma) I hope you are sending these to Aunt Nancy and Kara too! I would love to know how they are doing! Do Kara and Kale still want to serve missions? 3. The time is weird here. I have been here for a month but it feels like a year and then like 2 days. Maybe a year because we do the same thing every day and maybe 2 days because thats how much chinese i know! haha 4. My mouth is doing great! until I yawn or somthing. then it hurts! but dont worry :) it is not keeping me from eating thats for sure! haha I figure that I won't have food I like in Hong Kong so I can eat whatever I want here :) even though I don't like the food. I do eat the food you sent me though! THE COOKIES ARE YUMMMY! of course they are. 5. The 4th was a great day! We watched 17 miracles. Mom please watch it, so sad but so good! The faith of the pioneers was amazing! I hope to have that much faith my whole life! We also got to watch the fireworks (yingfaah) through a fence...through a tree.....through another tree.....but the sound was fantastic! my 2 favorite sounds in the world are fireworks and thunder. Anyway it was really fun :) then they gave us ice cream. I love this country and the independence and freedom we have! A sister in my room got a letter from her dad and he said, " I love the 4th of July and all the freedoms we celebrate, but don't you think it is amazing that we get to celebrate our freedom every Sunday when we take the sacrament?" I thought that was just so good! Every week we get to be free from our sins! Every day we can be! That is definitely something to celebrate. 6. RACHEL GET CROCS!!!!!!! get crocs get crocs. do it get crocs. And really. the clothes you wear dont matter. Well just get clothes that will last you. My clothes are great! other than I already broke a zipper. Make sure that doesnt happen. You really won't know until you get there. I dont know how to help there. sorry! 7. My companion is doing great and My other sister training leader is leaving me next week. So I get to start all over with another sister and then probably another one. I am at the MTC for like a decade according to "MTC time" haha but hey it is a great place. ICHIRO is there? awe man! I always seem to miss him! I haven't heard from my foreigns yet so please tell them to write me! I am good friends with the Dutch district and I am giving them her as a referral so uhhhh she better be ready!!!!!! hehehehehe :) They are coming for her! and I'll find some German ones too (this can go on the blog. they should be prepared) haha. yeah yeah Brandon told me about his visa! That is so cool that he is with elder Edwards!!!!!!! wow. What an awesome experience! I think they were friends. they were in sports together. and they are both great elders so I am so excited for them!!!! And again, JESSICA DAWN! WRITE ME A LETTER! Jaxon needs to know about me and I need to know about him. And still want one of those creepy ultrasound picture things. My journal is longing for it. OK so cool experience! My district went on a temple walk yesterday and gues what? We ran in to some Cantonese speakers! One was from HONG KONG!!! yeah so cool! So I decided to be smart and talk to him in Cantonese. I mean I have been here for a month. of course I would be able to understand him. ....not so..... I tried to say hello and they looked at me like "what the heck is that little white girl trying to say". Yeah. Then I was like....ok well I can share my testimony then right? But before I could, the elders from my district came over and started talking! One tried to say that he liked Cantonese and it came out "I want to kill you". But of course we didn't know that until one of the cute chinese girls almost started to cry! She just turned to me and said "he scares me". then she told us what he said. It was so funny but NOT at the same time. It was so hard to understand them and alllllll of our tones were wrong. haha That humbled me for sure! Then the elder told us that these girls were all investigating the church. They came from mainland China to hear about the church. One of them even had a baptismal date!!!! We were so excited! Then one of my fellow sisters and I bore our testimonies of the book of mormon to her. I don't know if she understood but it was our FIRST real missionary experience! It was so amazing. The spirit was so strong. Even though they couldn't understand us, she knew what we were saying. It was so amazing. The picture here is with her and the others :) wow I just love the Chinese people! The Hong Kong boy that was there told me what ward his parents were in and told us to say hello to them! So I am pumped for that! Then he said "I dont want to scare you missionaries but guess what you get to do?" " My parents said that the mission president wants 8 new wards in the next 18 months!" THOSE 18 MONTHS ARE MY MONTHS! I will be a part of this amazing work in Hong KONg and I AM SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!! They also said that it's ok if our Cantonese is not too good. We can always speak Mandarin to the people! haahah OK, so another surprise! We will also be learning some Mandarin on our mission! Wow I need the Lord so bad! But I know I can do it!!!!! I will do what the Lord wants me to do. He will make it all possible! Anyway, I love you all and hope you are having a fantastic day! Ngoh Jidouh ligo gaawui haid jansatge. gnoh jidouh yurksat simaaht haid singi jansatge. ngoh jidouh thomas s monson haigh jansatge sinji. ngoh jidouh taugwa moyimoungihn ngohdeig hoyih jipsauh kaisih! (I know that this church is the true church. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and that Thomas S Monson is our prophet today. I know through the book of mormon we can recieve our own revelation) ps. watch the Joseph Smith movie and also read 2nd Nephi ch 4!!!!! LOVE YOU! LOVE THIS GOSPEL! LOVE MISSIONARY WORK! ONLY ONE MONTH AND I WILL BE IN CHINA!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOOOO
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 3:03 PM Emily Hamblin wrote:
Good Afternoon Mumsie and others!
My mouth is doing great. It doesnt hurt. Well a little bit but I am doing fine!! I was so surprised that I had to get them out.Iit was all so sudden haha. Anyway the dentist was awesome and the office was super nice. And I am with Jess when she says that the wisdom teeth drugs are the greatest!!! It was so funny. My comp told me all that I had said when i got out. First, I just want to say that my dentist told me that I woke up speaking Chinese!!! How cool is that? Super cool! Who knows if I was even speaking gwondongwa or just saying whatever Chinese I thought I knew. All I know is that I had the gift of tongues at that moment! haha. Anway here are the funny or not so funny things I did and said.
First of all I cried 4 times. Once because I wanted my bed and I thought someone was stealing it.
Twice for my mumsie :) see I love you!
And once for an elder in my district that I guess I have subconcious feelings for. I was asking why he wasnt there and why he didnt care about me!
My dentist love is not just for you know who! I also fell in love with my wisdom teeth dentist! I confessed my undying love. How embarrassing am I? Yeah, super embarrassing!
I also told my nurse that I would set her up with Ray. I forgot to mention that he is married. Whatever.
So to get to the dentists office I had to get a ride from a security person from the MTC. I definitely told him that he was super cute. I also told him that he was God's Miracle several times. Needless to say, he liked me a lot at that moment. He told me that he would get me a frosty but was denied permission.
I told everyone that they were jerks and punks, then I would express my love for the temple.
One missionary I saw told me I looked like a chipmunk so I told him "cut your head off".
haha I was so embarrassed because then when I was no longer out from the drugs I had to go back with that same driver because he had to take me to get my medicine. He just kept on reminding me that I said he was God's miracle.
The best part of that day was getting out of the MTC twice! yeah, I felt pretty good :)
Tthe not so good part was that since i was the mission president seminar, the health clinic was not open. I didn't have medicine for 3 hours after my surgery. That hurt like you know what but it is all good now! I didnt even swell up that bad!
So mom, I allow you to put that on the blog! How is that going by the way? Nothing embarrassing right?
My companion took great care of me :)
Now to answer your questions. On sundays I just have a lot of meetings and then church and fun things like that. It is a full day of super spiritual every other day! I LOVE BEING A MISSIONARY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I know that he is supposed to be named Jaxon..........
please send me a picture of Jess and her fat litle belly :) :)
Tell Jaxon I love him tooo
I don't get to go to the 4th celebrations but we do get to watch the fireworks! That should be fun! :) Tell Jess and Andy to go to the field and see me! Just kidding. Not allowed.
The pictures are of me and my district and my comp and i!
So i just wanted to say that I love you all so much! I am sad that I am going to miss the 4th AGAIN, but I am in the right place. I love America! I appreciate it more and more every day. The difference between here and China is huge. I am so gratefull for religious freedom and all our freedoms. This is the greatest country! I love you all and I know that this gospel is Christ's gospel. I know that the atonement can heal our sins, our weaknesses, our pains, and our brokenhearts. Study the scriptures! Pray sincerely. Be a missionary in the way you act, speak, and go about your lives. We have something amazing that ALL of God's children should know about!
I sent you letters because I don't have enough time now.
Anyway you asked if I would like another package...yes :) I love banana bread :) and A FAMILY PICTURE!
<3 class="separator" data-blogger-escaped-a="" data-blogger-escaped-all="" data-blogger-escaped-and="" data-blogger-escaped-are="" data-blogger-escaped-bug="" data-blogger-escaped-chat="" data-blogger-escaped-div="" data-blogger-escaped-down="" data-blogger-escaped-emmi-b="" data-blogger-escaped-everyday="" data-blogger-escaped-for="" data-blogger-escaped-gagging="" data-blogger-escaped-hahaa="" data-blogger-escaped-hamblin="" data-blogger-escaped-huhng="" data-blogger-escaped-hung="" data-blogger-escaped-is="" data-blogger-escaped-it="" data-blogger-escaped-kind="" data-blogger-escaped-like="" data-blogger-escaped-love="" data-blogger-escaped-my="" data-blogger-escaped-name="" data-blogger-escaped-of="" data-blogger-escaped-oh="" data-blogger-escaped-or="" data-blogger-escaped-pingnon="" data-blogger-escaped-pray="" data-blogger-escaped-say="" data-blogger-escaped-sister="" data-blogger-escaped-something.="" data-blogger-escaped-spelled="" data-blogger-escaped-tone="" data-blogger-escaped-with="" data-blogger-escaped-xoxooxoxoxoxoxo="" data-blogger-escaped-you="" style="clear: both; text-align: center;">
I love Mondays because i get to write you :) but i write so fast that i can't check to see if i spell everything right so I'm sorry! also the Cantonese grammar is messing me up, my English grammar so sorry for that in advance too! :)
Well it is SO GOOD to hear from the family! I love you all so much :) let me answer your dear elder letter first!
The stitches are OUT!! woohoo! it didn't hurt that bad. It had scabbed over though so i will have a scar (said that Dr.) but other than that it is just taped up at the moment. i don't know how long the tape will stay on though ahah
I might need new skirts in china because i can already tell that some of them are wearing out! haha tell Rachie to maybe get a couple more than she thought she would need. I brought a couple extra and it was a great idea!!! Tell her to just remember, you can send anything home so it is better to bring too much than not enough. maybe....i don't know.
The large polish man's name is president Capik. and he does NOT speak Cantonese. Too bad huh? But he sure speaks English!
I will talk to the mission home president for the Nicolls but NO HUGS.
That is so cool to hear about Rachie's mission! That is going to be such a great experience!!!
I don't need anymore medicine! what i have is perfect :) thanks again!
Ok the choir was so fun to be in!!! YOU SAW ME! i re-watched it and yes. that little smidge of a face behind the tall girls is me! it is the first song. i am wearing a light teal-ish shirt!!! I knew you would see me mom :) haha. stinking elders! they always get all the attention haha. It's ok though, the sisters are much prettier.
There was a lady from Hong Kong who was sitting by the sisters in my room and she was telling them all about how special our mission is. We are the hope and the doorway to China. We are the closest the Chinese people can get to the truth. Even if they can't bring their religion home, they can feel it in Hong Kong and be a part of it. I want to learn this language so bad! I WANT to be able to express myself to those amazing people! and I am trying my best!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE DONUTS!! my district loved them :) haha send healthy food implies donuts for sure! love you!
I think Sydney leaves this next week. Her last name is Barnes. I don't have her address though! sorry! I don't know how to get it!
I-pod. Rachie cant use it at all? we cannot use it in the MTC actually, but they said that we may be able to use it in the mission field. I am pretty sure I can but we don't know how to ask. All the missionaries in my district brought one so i think I'm ok! if not I can send it home and you and dad can have it :)
I AM STILL SO EXCITED FOR JAXON! WOOHOO!!!! and I am not the only missionary whose sibling is having a baby while they are gone. That is really the only thing I am sad about right now!
haha Uncle Eric emailed the missionaries about little Walker. That would have been so scary! poor kid. But it reminds me of president Monson's talk and dads little accident :) hahaha it always makes me laugh!
as for the package!
I would love some mints and maybe just some simple vitamins. We are lacking here at the MTC. Also I am kind of addicted to tootsie pops. I took like 15 with me and I have eaten them all! if you could send a couple of those I would love you even more. (if that is even possible...I don't know).
ok so I remember you asking what a regular day was for me...maybe it was dad. but here it is!
6;30 we wake up
1 hour personal study
lunch for half hour
personal study time for 1 hour 15 mins
classroom instruction for 3 hours
lunch for 45 mins
language study for 1 and a half hours
classroom for 3 hours
dinner for 45 mins
additional study time for 30 mins
gym for an hour
get ready for 30 mins
additional study time for 30 mins
plan for 30 mins
go to bed
Everyday things are in a different order but pretty much the same! No, actually one day we have service and I love those days!
Pretty exciting haha.
Yeah, the days feel like weeks and the weeks feel like days. That is so true. Tell Rachie Poo that.
Also my estimated departure date is Aug 5th! WOOHOOOOOO!!!! Almost a month and a half away. haha it is hard being in the MTC for 9 weeks. But it will fly. And I still don't think it is enough time to prepare me for Hong Kong! I am freaking out a little!!!
My teachers are Gu Hindaih and Gwok Hindaih. They are AMAZING! we all love them so much. One is a returned missionary form Hong Kong and the other is a native. They make class time easy to stay awake through and they care about us so much. I am so blessed to have great teachers!
Oh and can you tell Lieke and Janice to talk to me?! I had their emails once....but lost them. Send them my love! love love love
So the is so very hard. you never know what you are saying. I said something in class and my teacher looked at me like I had hugged someone or something.
he then, very sternly, said. "never say anyone.....ever". I decided not to ask and to just listen haha. So i still don't know what I am saying most of the time. Our investigators laugh at us a lot because we are so clueless but hey that happens to all missionaries!
The broadcast was amazing
We sat so close to the general authorities. They turned around and looked at us a lot... so that was pretty cool. One even blew a kiss to us sister missionaries :) what a great time. I love the emphasis on EVERY MEMEBER A MISSIONARY! It is so important! And you guys are wonderful examples of that! I love how you always invite people to come unto Chirst and his gospel. BE BOLD! share with everyone :) I love being a missionary. I love serving the Lord. It is all going to be worth it. I can't wait to be able to share my personal conversion story with the people of Hong Kong. They are amazing and I feel an overwhelming love for them already. I love you all so much! Please remember to do whatever you can to have the spirit with you always. The Lord loves you and wants to help you in every way possible. All we need to do is ask and have faith. We need to act on the promptings we receive. Even if they don't make sense to us. I have had a few experiences with that the past 2 weeks and it is amazing what a simple action of faith can lead to! I LOVE YOU
-Your Hong Kong Missionary
Huhng Jimouih
Sunday, July 14, 2013
First let me answer all your questions haha My second week at the MTC has been amazing! My district is full of amazing missionaries who i get along with so well :) My Companions name is Sister Hughes. She is the same height as me and LOVES to sing! ALL THE TIME! and yes i will keep the same companion for the full 9 weeks I get my stitches out tomorrow haha so i hope it doesn't hurt! Sorry about the patriarchal blessing! I actually just found it! and i got it laminated and everything so i don't have to worry about it in HONG KONG!
First let me answer all your questions haha My second week at the MTC has been amazing! My district is full of amazing missionaries who i get along with so well :) My Companions name is Sister Hughes. She is the same height as me and LOVES to sing! ALL THE TIME! and yes i will keep the same companion for the full 9 weeks I get my stitches out tomorrow haha so i hope it doesn't hurt! Sorry about the patriarchal blessing! I actually just found it! and i got it laminated and everything so i don't have to worry about it in HONG KONG!
Holy cow. What a change my emotions are putting me through right now. I am so happy one second and then think life it too hard the next. The MTC is the hardest thing i have ever done. Not to worry you or tell rachel but it is soooooo much harder than i was expecting. I miss my mom more than i ever have before and it has only been a stinking week!!!!! I wish you could come see me but this email was just the thing i needed! <3 I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Cantonese is SO HARD! I cant remember a thing haha. Well actually i can pray simply in Cantonese right now so i am alright. Oh STORY! we taught our first investigator the second day at the mtc. Most missionaries do that but it is not as difficult because of the language. THERE IS A REASON WE ARE HERE FOR 9 WEEKS!!!! Anyway i got some words mixed up haha surprise surprise. I told "Rex" my investigator, "I know that Joseph Smith was a true Lion!!!". Lion and Prophet are sooooo close to each other haha. I was wondering why he was laughing. Also baptism and awesome are just a tone difference so "would you like to be baptized" to me is "would you like to be amazing" to the investigator. no wonder they say yes! haha. I LOVE YOU!!!!
I bet you are the best primary teacher in the world. You have always been able to teach young people with the spirit. you are amazing. I wrote you another letter 2 days ago telling you this but i found out that i can only write on p-days! so i didn't send it. but i will send it today :) so it may just be the same thing. I CANT WAIT TO HERE FROM DAD :) I miss you all so much! And i don't mean to worry you about me. I will be fine. Just the first week at the MTC is super difficult. WORK WORK WORK allllll day. And girls are NOT obedient so they don't go to bed at the right time and they keep me up for like half an hour. UG! thank you so much for the ear plugs! <3 <3
So news. I am the new sister training leader for my zone. That is the girl zone president. There are soooo many sisters that are way more qualified than i am and i am so nervous! If you have any advice about being a leader please fill me in. I have had experience but NOT this kind. My branch president was in the marines and he is polish and he is just so strict so when he asked if he could talk to me i thought he was going to send me home or something! haha i was freaking out. Anyway that was surprising to me!
I would love for you to send me letters like every single day because i never knew how much i loved my family. i mean i did but not this much. email you makes me feel so motivated and strong and happy. so my district is the best! there are 6 elders and 4 sisters. I room with the sisters and they are awesome. Everyone has taken a Chinese class though but me and another person in my district so i always feel like i am the one who is lacking.
OH ok so my comp is super sweet. She is from utah. I totally brought my camera to put pictures on but i forgot to bring the cord and we only have a limited amount of time and i would just like to write you for 45 mins so that is what i will do. I will send pics next week! DEAR ELDER ME! :)
PLEASE; please send me a picture of the family!!!! i want to look at you guys. A little photo album would be amazing! but i totally understand if you don't have time. But i would love love love one of our family!!!! maybe one of round valley and things like that. oh and i left my patriarchal blessing home! if you could send that it would be much appreciated :) <3 <3
about the tennis shoes, i brought some! and i don't think ill need the danskos. I lov3e them but i want them for when i get home :) It is great to hear about granny and uncle merrell! I love them,and pray for them and you all 5 times a day.
Your testimony has strengthened me so much mom. I just want you to know that. You are an amazing woman. I have had chocolate 3 times and every time i think of you and your sacrifice! i also took my 4th of july pillow case that you made me and i love to hug it! I would love the toast :) i have the whale though......would that be too childish of me? haha just kidding. I haven't changed that much! i saw brandon, devon, kaeli, christina, sydney, and many others! I loved seeing them and it felt like home!
My chinese last name is Hungh (with a down tone on the u) it means
all those words were definitions so i guess i can choose :) Ill take RED. it is intense haha
I am so greatful for you, dad, jess, rachel, and all are amazing and have been such a blessing in my life. Ngoh ngoi Sung. Ngoh ngoi yesuhgeduke! I love got and my savior. I know that they love me and that they are blessing me. I know that this gospel is happiness and i can feel miracles starting to happen as i remember words that i never thought i would in 5 days. I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU! miss you lots. xoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxox
-Hungh Jimuih
your loving daughter
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